Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Laughter Lives!

Laughter LivesThis post is part of "Laughter Lives! Tuesday" on the Riggs Family Blog. Check our their blog to read everyone else's "Laughter Lives!" posts.

Just another conversation between mother and son while one of the two is 'taking care of business':


"Yes, Jake?"

"Why do you sit down to pee?"

"Because that's how girls pee"

"But why?"


"Mama, do you have a pee-pee?"

"No, Jake, girls don't have pee-pees, just boys."


"Yes, Jake?"

"Then we need to go to Wal-mart and buy you one."


  1. Ah, the simple logic of a small child. Don't you wish everything was that easy? Jake cracks me up. Keep the stories coming!

  2. If only it were that easy. LOL I love how little kids think. So funny!

  3. But of Course because EVERYTHING comes from Wal-Mart! LOL! Too funny. My 3 year old son wanted to know why his baby sister had two bottoms.

  4. LOL! My son thinks we girls don't go pee-pee 'cause we don't have one. :)
