Tuesday, October 27, 2009

New Use for USB Cables


You know those USB chargers for your cell phones that you can plug into the wall?


Captain Jake Sparrow found a new use for them.

Last night, he was supposed to be taking a bath.

Instead, I found him in front of the microwave (where the phone charger is located), butt naked (except he was still wearing his socks), doing the following:

He had the phone end of the charger on his penis.

I kid you NOT.


(friends, how many times in my life have I screamed "JAKE!"?)

"What are you doing?"

Captain Jake Sparow: "Trying to give energy to my pee-pee, like a super hero."


That's all I have to say.




  1. OMG how funny is that! Kids are really something else,they do some crazy stuff!

  2. That is so hilarious!! It actually sounds like something my son would do. I love it!

  3. We couldn't make this stuff up if we tried, could we? LOL

  4. That was good enough to get up at 9:05 for but I sadly didn't make it at that time...lol. I can't believe he was going to give himself a superhero penis. HAHAHAHA!!!

  5. HAHAHA all I can say is ... HAHAHAA
    My son, at that age, would do some crazy things. Looking back I laugh, but at the time, it was UGH! Still laughing at your story. HAHAHAHAH

  6. You do have your hands full, don't you?

  7. I just laughed so hard I spit my salad all over my computer;) Thank you for having a son on the same playing field with my own!

  8. First time I stopped in and I read this - HILARIOUS. Haha! Stopping in from Brandi/MyThreeBubs :o)
