Friday, November 19, 2010




You know who you are.

And these words of yours have hit me where I needed it.

  • I also knew you before. And I have know you after. Believe it or not you're still pretty much the same person. Obviously older now, but that beats the alternative.

    There was a change, though. For a long time after you met Billy you were much happier than you had been before. Even
    with that damnable illness. So don't let all the crap that's piled up in the last three years bury that truth.

Thank you.

In the past 48 hours, the sun has started to rise again.

And may I say this to you, and to all my friends, if I have never said it before, I will say it now.


Being Fervently Pursued By..........

Giving In To............


 - Despite all my furtive attempts not to:

Falling Deeply,





Wholly and Madly


Being Chosen By.............




has been the beginning of the series of most FORTUNATE events.

And yes, my dear old friend Icepick knows.

Even at the darkest hours in the past 11 years, and yes, there have been some blacked out days...........

.......even in those darkest of hours.............

My life is so very rich because this man asked me to be his wife.

Because this man, human as man can be, chose to bind with this woman, human as man can be.

Because although we were cut from separate cloth,


we have been able to weave together a beautiful,

albeit somewhat worn and tattered,

patchwork quilt.

With two beautiful threads of gold, keeping it all together.


And though he may go left and I may go right, at the end of the day,

at the end of


our wants and desires are


the same as they were,


To be husband and wife.

To raise beautiful children with God's help and guidance.

To grow them God's way, to make them loud and proud and good and decent and loving and lovable and great American kids.

To worship God, side by side, in the same pew, with our children, offering thanks upon thanks for the so very many blessings bestowed upon us.

To honor our families and friends.

To live, and to give our children, the best life we possibly can.

To .....

.......N E V E R..........

.....................G I V E......................

...................................U P.........................

It's time I get back to our family creed.

It's time I get back to "Sucking It Up."

Thanks for the 2x4, Icepick.

It's the second one I got this week.

Two Swords got the first whack, but then again, he probably earned it.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this vulnerability stuff. I appreciate it, respect it, and weep.

    I think the worn and tattered parts make everything that much more beautiful, and... well earned.

    I'm fixin' to give birth to #5 here shortly, and have been crazy busy doing (amts of) stuff I shouldn't humanly be able to do, but in my breaks, out of 20 blogs I could read but dont' have time for, yours is the one I choose. So thanks again for writing.
