Monday, March 29, 2010

NOT Me! Monday

Today, I was NOT wistfully dreaming about having my hair 'done.

I was NOT coveting the eighty dollars it would take to make me 'beautiful' again.

At dinner, I did NOT mention this again out loud, as a lesson to the children about our wants versus our needs.

I iterated that getting my hair cut and colored was NOT a need, but a want.

My oh-so-eloquent daughter corrected me when she said, "NO offense, Mom, but you NEED to get your hair done.  It does NOT look very good."

At which point I did NOT ask her if I could borrow eighty dollars!

NOT me!



  1. I can see a kid handing over $80 to you. That is so funny! Good to see the pirates are still in action!! Hope all is well.

  2. LOL... love your Not Me Monday! It made me giggle. I also love your blog name! Isn't it the truth?!

  3. oh goodness, I'm glad Reilly isn't around me that often.. I refuse paying a lot of money on my hair and usually get it cut every 6 months and use sun-in :) (yea, the hair people don't like that) - and yes, that does explain a lot about why my hair looks the way it does, a perpetual mess :):)
