Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Forgive Me, Father...

It's THAT time again......

Some of us were mainstream in our tomfoolery.....

Even if perchance our Halloween hijinx by the mini- Wolverine involved 'claws'....

And then of course, as tends to happen in THIS family, some of us took things a bit to the extreme.

I know.  The HORROR!

It's even worse when the Cloistered Nun Zombie S-M-I-L-E-S.....

Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned.  I enthusiastically encouraged.RELUCTANTLY kowtowed to my daughter's blasphemous Halloween costume.  And her father gleefully assisted refused to help apply the blood lather.

The Nun Zombie pondered what might happen if she approached a 'Catholic' house in her costume.  Her parents assured her that she would probably be prayed for.  And if she happened upon an IRISH Catholic house, she might be prayed for and handed a beer all at the same time. 

Alas, the annual fright fest came to its inevitable close with two complete sugar meltdowns.

Thusly, I leave you, until next year, with the "After" pictures:

It is worth mentioning that Captain Jake "Wolverine" Sparrow swindled piggy back rides from his 'chaperone' for 2 1/2 hours.  All 41.5 pounds of Wolverine, plus 12 pounds of empty candy wrappers.  Said 14 year old chaperone returned to the house without the Wolverine.  His excuse, "That kid WIPED me out.  I couldn't carry him anymore and I couldn't keep up with him.  At one point, I sat down on the curb and said, Yeah Jake, go ahead and start eating some candy."  And then he handed the Wolverine off to the rest of the 'group' and abandoned his post and came home and went to bed! 

Can't say that I blame him one bit!  I know exactly how he feels.  Every day of my life............

See ya next year!

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